The Financial Samurai Podcast

Break Free From Sad Statistics: You Can Spend More Time With Your Adult Children If You Want To



This episode is sponsored by Danielson Legal, which provides top tier intellectual property legal services for the greatest value proposition available in the market. Their attorneys have formidable experience and expertise from practicing at the highest levels of the profession—from the top law firms in Boston to publicly traded corporate legal departments. Episode Synopsis Supposedly by the time our children turn 19, we will have spent 80% - 90% of the time we will ever spend with them. But that statistic is ridiculous if we make the effort. Let's talk about something absurd, like relocating to where our adult children are once we are retired.  Posts mentioned: Having Absurd Dreams Is OK Because Sometimes They Come True The Pandemic Was An Experience In Hedging Your Life Keep In Touch With Financial Samurai Pick up a copy of How To Engineer Your Layoff. It will teach you how to negotiate a severance package so you can spend more time with your children or do what you want. Use the code “saveten” at checkout