John Clay Wolfe Show

JCW ARCHIVE: Don’t Pick Up That Dog



Let's take a trip down memory lane to Thanksgivings past! John Clay Wolfe's foreign in-laws are in town and they're ready to have a ball! They've got everything packed and ready and they've even got a dog sitter, but the trip gets canned and John's left with a dilemma. Do they pick up the dog (that just so happens to love to leave behind a nice yelllow stain one all of John's clothes) or do they let IT Rob handle it for the rest of the week? What would you do?   Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #FlashbackFriday. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for those excitable pups...and we'll see you Saturday