Hades Base Channeling Network

Ceremony Preparations and Empath Training- Part 1



Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.  The channeling session for the month of December has a focus on the celebrations planned for an upcoming bonding ceremony between two friends of ours, Carrie and Mike. It was coming up the next week and tonight was the night where Kiri and Tia used much of the first half ironing out the details for a bonding ceremony, healing session, reception, and the channeling session that was to make it all happen. Officiating at the request of the happy couple was to be Omal channeling through Mark while we hear from our guest Bethany that she would be able to be a second channel for the event. So, with plans to arrange, the session gets started. Filling in for a delayed Tia, Kiri jumps right in to planning for the big event by rearranging the furniture in the room to accommodate the third dimensional guests while at the same time laying down bets on the sex of Kiri's and Mark's baby. Moving on, we learn about how those on the sixth dimension have as many questions about t