Northern Colorado Real Estate Ramp Up

Moving Mistakes & How to Avoid Them



Give the average person the choice between moving their family and all their possessions to a new house, or getting a root canal, and I think most people would choose the root canal. Because of all the complexity and time typically involved in the moving process, people tend to put it off for months or years, especially families with kids. Often they badly need more space, or they really wanted to be in a different neighborhood, but he thought of all the brain damage involved in moving is overhwelming. I know it was like that for us. At the time we moved we had three kids under 5 years old. We were living in a 1,200 square foot house and we throught about moving for more than two years before we actually did it. Part of that was waiting for the right house, but most of it was the overwhelm. Once we moved, we couldn’t believe that we waited so long. It felt absolutely incredible to have the space we needed. After taking so many families through this process we've designed a system that makes moving drama