Something More With Chris Boyd Show Podcasts

Retirement Ready: The 10-Year Checklist



Need a Retirement Checklist? In this segment, Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry review a recent article from Kiplinger’s Magazine, “Ten years before you retire is a good time to start preparing so you're in great shape when the time comes.”   Chris and Jeff cover the first half of the article, which includes:  Save what you can and think about how you want to live.  Fine-tune your investments — allocation, allocation, allocation.   Go prospecting — look for money you may have forgotten about.  Make plans and give them test drives. In a future segment, Chris and Jeff will continue this discussion on the remainder of the Retirement Checklist. To read the mentioned article on this subject, see the link below: If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd: