Zero Blog Thirty

ZBT #294: Shark Attack on Coast Guardsmen



FRIDAY VIBES promo code "Zero" for 5% off Delta8 THC products promo code "ZBT50" for $50 off sperm testing and storage ROUND 1: Adorable! The Army is okay-ing pushups/PT for minor infractions & Kate has a game to test our leadership skills with this new guidance ROUND 2: Holy shit, we’ve got a Coast Guard story that’s not about intercepting drug smugglers or rescuing boaters?!?!… Hear why one of their ships had to open fire during an open swim call out at sea! ROUND 3: A 1st Sgt in the Army’s combat aviation brigade has banned Cardi B music from their building calling it ‘trash’ and will only be playing 90s music from here on out… sheesh… we have to ask… (all of us --->) Tell us whyyyyy ROUND 4: Remember that huge fire aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard? Well a Navy sailor is currently being investigated for arson by NCIS. If they’re guilty then boyyy are they in for some crappy-shift firewatch. ROUND 5: Catch Me If You Can, Department of Homeland Security Edition! Donovan Ng