New Focus On Wealth With Chad Burton

Understanding ETFs, Direct Indexing & Year-End Tax Moves



In this episode of "New Focus on Wealth," Certified Financial Planner Chad Burton provides a market update, discussing the performance of various indices and asset classes. He highlights the strong performance of the NASDAQ and S&P 500, as well as the potential opportunities in emerging markets and actively managed funds. Chad also shares year-end tax moves to consider, including tax loss harvesting and managing capital gains distributions. He delves into the 4% draw rule for retirement income, explaining its limitations and the importance of adjusting spending during market downturns. Additionally, Chad explores the differences between ETFs and mutual funds, emphasizing the tax efficiency of ETFs in taxable accounts. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights and strategies for managing wealth and making informed financial decisions. Timestamps: [00:01:09] Tech recovery [00:04:10] Selective value stocks outperforming. [00:08:31] Year end tax moves. [00:13:00] Selling stock tax-wise for the year. [00