Hades Base Channeling Network

Laura’s Solo Session and the Nature of Reality- Part 2



Greetings once more in love, light, and wisdom as one.    Omal gets side two started discussing Laura's husband, Skip, someone who would be a guest at many a future channeling session. We discover that Skip as a tendency to drain energy from other people including his wife and that habit would be addressed in later sessions. For now it was still a problem until they had him develop his mental shielding but this is also where we learn this is Skip's first life on this planet. We know from previous sessions his last life been on a planet with huge trees. The conversation continues on to Laura's being able to see auras and how the yellow spots she had seen on Skip's aura signaled problems in the future. Omal cautions that she may need to prepare for his passing but he would still be at channeling sessions for years to come. The topic comes up of Mark's rare ability to astral travel to their higher dimension and then manipulate the fourth dimension on the way back so that he is only left for an hour here but had