The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Are You Prepared for the Unseen Hours of Success? | Alan Stein Jr.



In this episode, Alan Stein, Jr. shares his insights on high performance and achieving success. Alan is a world-renowned coach, speaker, and author who specializes in improving individual and organizational leadership, performance, and accountability. He draws from his experience working with elite basketball players and teaches audiences how to utilize the same strategies in business. In our conversation, Alan and I discuss the importance of finding your passion and aligning it with your natural talents. We explore how passion and talent intersect to create your strength zone, where you can excel and make your maximum contribution. Alan emphasizes that passion alone is not enough, and we need to develop the mindset and skillset required to reach peak performance. Some highlights we explore: The key to high performance is finding something you're passionate about and naturally talented at, and finding where those intersect. Passion is only half of the equation; you also need to develop the necessary mindset