

Hank Brown - "Operation Stomp" - single [0:00:00] Aarch Hall, Jr. - "Monkey In My Hat Band" - single [0:06:30] Carl Butler - "That's All Right" - single [0:08:16] Loyd Howell and The Brite Stars - "Don't Make Me Stop Drinking" - single [0:10:28] Jimmy Newman - "Three" - single [0:13:36] Jack Fascinato & His Orchestra - "Fifty Fathoms" - single [0:16:46] Music behind DJ: The Nashville Five - "Batman Theme" - single [0:19:48] Johnny Johnson - "Evil Love" - single [0:22:34] Tim McClurg - "Night Time" - single [0:26:55] Hank Lindsay - "Bad Cat" - single [0:28:07] Bob Arlin and his Band - "East L.A." - single [0:30:32] Narvel Felts - "Three Thousand Miles" - single [0:33:18] Music behind DJ: The Rompin' Stompin' Texans - "Austin Waltz" - single [0:35:03] Jeannie C. Riley - "Country Girl" - single [0:37:52] Jean Chapel - "I'm Your Woman" - single [0:40:28] George Kent - "It Takes A Drinking Man (To Sing A Drinking Song)" - single [0:43:26] Paul Taylor - "Husbands and Wives" - single [0:46:07] Richie Wohlfeil