The Tapping Solution Podcast

TS 015 Overcoming Procrastination – Tapping Meditation With Nick Ortner



In this tapping meditation, we will overcome a common block to productivity – and that’s procrastination. Even if it is a task or project we want to do, even one we enjoy, getting going can be challenging. Instead of getting started, we make a phone call, check social media, start laundry, work on a different project – really anything that allows us to continue procrastinating. The real reason we procrastinate though is not the task itself but often the emotions that we are feeling around the task. Sometimes the task may just seem too hard and there is some fear or resistance to exerting ourselves in that way, or perhaps we feel anxiety around having to learn a new skill or make a decision we are uncomfortable making. Other times we may be afraid we won’t do a good enough job and worry what other people will think. There are lots of reasons we procrastinate and we are not always even aware of those reasons. But at the root of procrastination we usually find unresolved emotions. In this tapping meditation we w