Insurtech Insider By 11:fs

94. Insights: UX&UI - how do you build trust?



Sarah Kocianski and Nigel Walsh are joined by a panel of great guests to talk about user experience and user interfaces in insurance, and how building a user friendly product can help attract and maintain a strong customer base. What does good look like? What are some horror stories, and should incumbents think like insurtechs when it comes to UX? Joining us today are: Bea Elbert, IBM General Manager of Global Insurance Graeme Stoker, Chief Marketing Officer at Honcho All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, leave a review on iTunes and every other podcast app. Spread the insurtech love by sharing or tweeting this podcast. This episode of Insurtech Insider was produced by Hanna Samuelson and edited by Alex Woodhouse. Special Guests: Bea Elbert and Graeme Stoker.