Insurtech Insider By 11:fs

57. Direct to Consumer insurance - The battle of niceness



Sarah Kocianski is hosting this week's episode of Insurtech Insider and is joined by a panel of guests to explore the changing world of direct-to-consumer insurance. Diving into this topic, this week's guests are: Phil Zeidler - Co-Founder at DeadHappy Stephen Brittain - Director and Co-Founder at Insurtech Gateway Oke Eleazu - COO at Bought by Many Kicking things off, the panel first take a look at what direct-to-consumer insurance is, how it differs from other models and the current challenges for D2C insurance providers. In recent years we've seen the landscape change significantly and in today's episode, we explore the spread of products, the importance of customer engagement, and evolution of the industry. All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, leave a review on iTunes and every other podcast app. Spread the insurtech love by sharing or tweeting this podcast. Love fintech? Then sign up for our newsletter, Fintech in Fi