Insurtech Insider By 11:fs

Insurtech Insider - Ep. 7: Are Autonomous Vehicles Driving the Future of Insurance?



In late December 2017 Elon Musk announced that Tesla is making AI chips for its autonomous vehicles, really amplifying this topic into the mainstream. Our Insurtech panel begin by actually discussing what autonomous vehicles actually are-is it just driverless cars or are there more options? Could public transport and lorries become automised? Insurance of course being the subject of the show, our panel discuss how insurance products and companies are impacted by the evolution in this technology. Does this put insurance companies out of business? In the second part of the show, Sarah and Nigel Walsh talk through this week's news. First up, staying with autonomous cars, Business Insider released an article titled: GM just revealed a fully autonomous electric car — and it doesn't have a steering wheel. They plan to roll the car out in 2019, is this too soon for society? Next- Nissan tech allows a car to read your mind to boost reaction times, Brain-To-Vehicle could apparently increase reaction times by an i