F-stop Collaborate And Listen

353: Steve Gettle - Voice Vision and Style in Wildlife Photography



In this conversation, Matt Payne interviews Steve Gettle, a nature photographer, about his photography journey and the challenges of monetizing photography. They discuss the process of finding a unique photographic voice and the balance between emulation and inspiration. They also explore the impact of social media on the photography industry and the changing landscape of making a living as a nature photographer. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the future of workshops and photo tours. The conversation covers topics such as the demographic shift and its impact on the landscape of photography, changing learning methods, the value of workshops and photo tours, the importance of critiques, the decline of camera clubs, traveling as a wildlife photographer, creating a nature photography paradise, and the debate around digital manipulation of nature photography. Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes by subscribing to our newsletter! Links Natural Landscapes Books Support the podcast on Patre