Fintech Insider By 11:fs

820. Insights: Personalisation in banking



Our expert host, Kate Moody, is joined by some great guests to talk about how personalisation in banking. Personalisation was one of the key themes that emerged from this year's annual 11:FS Pulse report, which is out now at  In the report, our experts, along with others from Monzo, JPMorgan and Nationwide, emphasised the importance of tailored financial services and how customer-centricity will win the day in 2024. But this personalisation is only possible through real-time data, AI & machine learning, by harnessing behavioural data, and many other recent technological advances which are transforming the financial services landscape. So we want to dive deeper into this. What does personalisation in banking even mean? How can it really improve the products or services being offered? And what are the consequences when it goes wrong? This week's guests include: Joe Colchester, Head of Product at 11:FS Pulse Ross Logan, Chief Product Officer at Snoop Megan Cooper, Chief Product Officer at Cle