Ponderings From The Perch

Identifying the Anomaly, Trend, or Bot for Better Brand Tracking with Andrew Moffatt



In a world where survey respondents are basically sick and tired of doing all the work to TELL as screener about their behaviors, qualifications, demographics, and more just for the chance at participating in a survey, along comes Qrious Insight with their “always on” approach to passive data collection. In this episode, Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird of Little Bird Marketing is joined by Andrew Moffatt, CEO and Co-Founder of Qrious Insight to discuss the future of dynamic brand tracking instead of static brand trackers. In their work with marketing and ad effectiveness, brands benefit from the aggregation of data they passively collect from panel members who opt in for continual tracking. This provides rich information about who they are, what they do, and how long they do it on their digital device in a wholly less intrusive manner than traditional survey models allow. Now, instead of searching for the potential respondent and asking them if they have, for example, seen a Domino’s ad in the last 30