New Focus On Wealth With Chad Burton

Retirement, Cognitive Health & The Gut-Brain Connection



The episode kicks off with a discussion on the seven steps to retirement readiness. Chad emphasizes the need for a comprehensive financial plan that goes beyond just having enough savings. He highlights the importance of tax efficiencies, safe money allocation, and planning for long-term care costs. Listeners are encouraged to attend an upcoming event hosted by Chad, where he will delve deeper into these topics. Chad also delves into the concept of linear cash flow and its significance in retirement planning. He explains how to calculate the rate of return needed to ensure a comfortable retirement and stresses the importance of being conservative in projections. By using a rate of return just under 6%, Chad helps listeners assess the longevity of their retirement savings. The conversation then shifts to the challenges retirees face, including healthcare costs and the decision of when to take Social Security. Chad provides valuable insights on navigating Medicare, choosing supplemental insurance, and optimizin