The Flop House

Ep. #330 - Freaky, with Barbara Crampton



We break out of our normal format a bit for this BONUS EPISODE! How so? Well, #1, we watched a movie that we were all pretty sure we'd like (and, spoiler alert, we did) -- the body-swap horror-comedy "Freaky," and #2, instead of doing letters and recommendations, we take a bit of extra time to talk to our guest about her long career. Who is that guest? The wonderful Barbara Crampton, star of legendary horror movies Re-Animator, From Beyond, You're Next, and a little movie that doesn't get mentioned on our show a lot -- Castle Freak. And folks? Barbara is just an absolute ray of sunshine who was a delight to talk to (off-mic as well -- she spent a bunch of time just chatting with us and inquiring about our health and well-being). We hope you enjoy this as much as we did.Wikipedia synopsis of Freaky.