Wolf 359

Eiffel and Hilbert Present: Writing Stories For Sound with Gabriel Urbina



Want to write great fiction podcasts but don't know where to begin? You're not alone! Wolf 359 creator Gabriel Urbina is offering a new and updated version of his acclaimed online workshop, Writing Stories For Sound this February. Join Gabriel on a guided tour of his own journey into understanding audio, as he retraces his steps and revisits the questions he asked as he was taking his first baby steps into the medium with the first episodes of Wolf 359. He's teaching the workshop twice this month - once on Thursday February 22nd at 7:00 PM Eastern time and once on Sunday February 25th at 2:00 PM Eastern time! For more information or to sign up, please visit wolf359.fm/learn. * * * TRANSCRIPT OF TODAY'S MESSAGE: (sounds of Eiffel fidgeting, while tense, dramatic music plays) Eiffel: Come on come on come on... where is he? Doctor... (door opens) Eiffel: Ah, Doctor Hilbert! Thank goodness, there you are! I need help.  Hilbert: Officer Eiffel. What seems to be the problem? Eiffel: I - I don’t know. I feel like no