Financial Survival Network

AI's Job Impact and Global Conflict Risks with Lobo Tiggre #5998



In a thought-provoking episode, Kerry Lutz and Lobo Tiggre delve into the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on employment and investment strategies. They place the AI revolution within the broader historical context of technological advancements, discussing its societal and political ramifications, especially concerning AI-induced job displacement. This conversation is a wake-up call for investors to reconsider their portfolio strategies in light of these significant technological shifts. Kerry and Lobo also address the sensationalism often associated with AI in media headlines, urging listeners to approach such news with a critical mind. They emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and choosing trustworthy information sources in an era where AI is frequently misrepresented or exaggerated in public discourse. Shifting gears, the dialogue explores the potential escalation of current conflicts into a global confrontation. Drawing on the historical concept of Mutually Assured Dest