Fintech Insider By 11:fs

809. Insights: Seeking real value in the Aussie fintech space (Rewind)



Our expert host, David Brear, is joined by some great guests to talk about fintech in Australia. We take a look back to the initial 2021 conversation to see what fintech looked like then, so we can judge for ourselves what has happened since. Has the market in Australia gone in the direction we expected? Who were the big players, and the big up and comers, two years ago and are they still around? Let's find out... This week's guests include: Dexter Cousins, Founder, Tier One People Simone Joyce, CEO & Co-Founder, Paypa Plane & Chair of Fintech Australia Matt Baxby, Country CEO of Revolut Australia Fintech Insider by 11:FS is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to all things finance, banking, technology, and financial services. Our expert hosts, with real industry experience, are joined by the biggest decision-makers, VCs, and reporters from across financial services including guests from Visa, Nubank, M-Pesa, Techcrunch, Starling, and JP Morgan Chase to discuss the latest news, developments, and trends within