Free Enterprise In Three Minutes Podcast With Ray Keating

Episode #222: Social Justice & Capitalism, Part II



Ray Keating continues to explain why if you’re a warrior for social justice, then you should be a warrior for capitalism. Support the Free Enterprise in Three Minutes Podcast at Subscribe at the $8 or $10 level, and get TWO FREE books by Ray Keating – The Weekly Economist: 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist and Free Trade Rocks! 10 Points on International Trade Everyone Should Know. Remain a supporter and you'll get a FREE BOOK every six months going forward.Consider books by Ray Keating…• Pre-order The Weekly Economist III:Another 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist. Signed books here and Kindle editions here.• Order The Weekly Economist II: 52 More Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist. Signed books here.  And Kindle and paperback editions here.• The Weekly Economist: 52 Quick Reads to Help You Think Like an Economist. Signed paperbacks at or paperbacks, hardcovers and Kindle editions at Amaz