Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks Radio: Gender, Sacred Sex& Healing



Part I proceeds Part III  In querying the text, Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth and the Politics of the Body (1995) by Riane Eisler, Ph.D., I spend too much time wading through Western dominator theories. The land is too far from the shore for safety. I do not swim. I respect water, and its power to interrupt and separate my spiritual home from me. If I board the ship, I am stuck, so I keep my body safe and stay away from floating ideas (with muscles). Eventually, they--these ways predicated on fallacy or untruth, will all evaporate and I will walk free again.  I didn't know until looking at the copyright information that Eisler and David Loye did create The Partnership Way, a workbook, which might answer some of my questions here.