After The Jump

Episode 40: Frequently Asked Questions



How does a blog make money? What tools should a blogger know about? On this episode of After the Jump, host Grace Bonney and Amy Azzarito tackle the top questions they regularly come across at Design*Sponge. Hear what an average day at Design*Sponge is like- including team meetings, scheduling some “you” time, and surviving the flood of emails. Building Design*Sponge also means extensive outreach; this how they find homes across the world- from France to the United States! Hear what motivates them, and what is next for the site. Find out what they would be doing if Design*Sponge didn’t exist, and how they wrangle with their cats’ destructive tendencies. This program was sponsored by BluePrint. “Every adult wants to know how you have a job when you work on the internet.” [5:05] — Amy Azzarito on After the Jump “Start thinking of yourself as a producer of content and that content does not necessarily live where you live.” [10:30] “I am increibly motivated by feedback. Whether it’s good or bad, I enjoy comments