Emma & Tom's Pgce Podcast

AI in Education with Karl Jones



Artifical Intelligence: is it going to revolutionise learning and the world of work? Or take our jobs and then kill us all? We've had our eye on doing an episode on AI for quite a while, but needed a guest who would give us an education angle and avoid the sensationalist stuff... step forward Karl Jones from Cardiff Met's School of Technologies! Karl was previously in Initial Teacher Education with our colleagues in Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen, so knows his way round a classroom as well as a computer. He joins us in the studio to discuss what teachers need to know about AI, where it can help, what the traps are, and how they should open a discussion with pupils about what's a legitimate application for everyone involved. Thanks to Karl for coming in, and this feels like a topic we'll be returning to more than once in the coming few years!-------------------------------------------Recorded in studio B2.15 at Cardiff Metropolitan University's Cyncoed Campus on 29th November 2023