The Unbeatable Mind Podcast With Mark Divine

James Altucher Talks Business and Overcoming



James Altucher is a well-known business personality. He started off in the creative industries, and is an author and expert on entrepreneurship and investing. He has written many books, including The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness. Today he talks with Mark about coming back repeatedly to succeed at business. Learn how: James had skills in the '90s that very few others had, but he would have done better with an actual product. On writing, you should be afraid of the reaction when you publish. That's how you know it's a new idea or new writing. To fulfill the four core values every day: physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual. They all go together and you can't have one without the others. Listen to this episode to get more insight on how to reinvent yourself and create your future.