Mahler: Vida Y Obra

Bernstein-Mahler, Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Canciones de un compañero de viaje)



"Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen" (Songs of a Wayfarer) is Mahler's first song cycle. While he had previously written other lieder, they were grouped by source of text or time of composition as opposed to common theme. Mahler appears to have begun composing the songs in December 1884 and to have completed them in 1885. He subjected the score to a great deal of revision, however, probably between 1891 and 1896, and some time in the early 1890s orchestrated the original piano accompaniments. As a result of this situation, various discrepancies exist between the different sources. It appears to have been in the orchestral version that the cycle was first performed, in 1896, but possible indications of an earlier, voice-and-piano performance cannot be discounted. The first movement is entitled "Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht" (When My Sweetheart is Married), and the text discusses the Wayfarer's grief at losing his love to another. He remarks on the beauty of the surrounding world, but how that cannot keep him f