Kate Hastings Show

Light in the Darkness



In this podcast, I share my journey of confronting the shadows within myself, drawing parallels to the process of developing old-school photographs in a darkroom. Just as darkness is essential for the image to emerge, so too is facing our inner darkness necessary for personal transformation. From childhood struggles to adult challenges, I delve into the depths of my own experiences, revealing the patterns and conditioning that shaped my beliefs, behaviors, and relationships. Through vulnerability and introspection, I uncover the misalignments and survival tactics that kept me trapped in a cycle of pain and limitation. ________________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podc