Diverse & Inclusive Leaders

The Power of Heritage and Diversity in Leadership: A Conversation with DeShaun Wise Porter



The story of DeShaun Wise Porter, VP and Global Head of Diversity, Inclusion, and Engagement at Hilton, always reminds all of us about the profound impact one's heritage can have on their aspirations and achievements. DeShaun's journey from the finance world to the pinnacle of HR leadership is both fascinating and inspiring, embodying the tenacity and dedication required to build inclusive and thriving workplaces. She shares invaluable insights on the transcendent nature of people-centric skills and how, through authenticity and mentorship, one can lift others while achieving personal success.The resilience encoded in DeShaun's DNA, inherited from ancestors like her Tuskegee Airman grandfather, is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Our conversation unveils how this legacy has not only shaped her approach to life and work but also reinforced her belief in the symbiotic relationship between economic growth and ethical action. The narrative of her family's enduring strength serves a