The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Ghost Town Living: Why Brent Underwood Is Bringing a Dead Town Back to Life



In this episode, Brent Underwood shares his extraordinary journey of purchasing and living in a ghost town. Brent, the owner of Cerro Gordo, a historic silver mine, has committed himself to a life less ordinary, trading his comfortable existence in Austin for the challenging but fulfilling task of bringing a dead town back to life. During our conversation, Brent opens up about his motivations, the challenges he has faced, and the lessons he's learned along the way. Some highlights we explore: Brent's decision to purchase Cerro Gordo and his initial expectations for life in a ghost town. The challenges of living in an isolated location, and how Brent has adapted to his new circumstances. The importance of finding a creative outlet and pursuing a life that is genuinely fulfilling. Brent's reflections on the history and legacy of Cerro Gordo, and his hopes for its future. The role that community and mentorship have played in Brent's journey. Enjoy!