Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E 230 Practices to Rehearse Charisma Mini Episode



On the topic of charisma the vast majority of people got Robin Williams completely wrong and we’re going into that.This episode is especially for you if you want a) want to have more influence,b) want to cultivate your own charisma c) need a quick battery charge right now or d) are tired of being looked overWelcome to Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts, including you social introverts, where we reveal the charisma & communication secrets of A-Listers so you get the recognition and opportunities you deserve. I’m your host Laura Camacho, your magical communication godmother, coach, and strategist. Take note that we now release episodes every Monday, Wednesdayand Friday.For this episode I’m drawing from not only my own hard-earned knowledge base but also two recent guest episodes that go deeper into these topics: episode 222 with José Ucar, called Build Your Global Influence is fabulous and make sure you listen to last week’s episode 228 with songwriter Drew Lawrence called You Can Create C