Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E 214 Communicate Like a Luxury Brand For Thought Leadership, Persuasion, and Visibility



In this episode, Laura is excited to introduce you to Carlo Pignataro, whose uber cool job is to help companies & individuals add a touch of luxury and elegance to their business so they can stay out of price wars and build emotional links with their clients/stakeholders. How’s that for a unique approach to executive communication?We kick off by chatting about culture as top luxury brands, like other top companies, focus on retaining top talent. (Hint: no ping pong balls, beer, or even luxurious workspaces needed.)We spend a lot of time connecting the allure of luxury brands - theirdesirability, their quality, their stories, their courage to accept they’re not all things to all people in relationship to leadership and communication.15+ years of experience in the international luxury industry have taught me that value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.– Carlo PignataroGrab your Cartier pencil ✏️ and take note of these takeaways andothers!