Marriage, Kids And Money

Die With Zero: When YOLO Battles FIRE (BEST OF MKM + Bread & Wine)



Should we live for today or plan for tomorrow? In this "Best of Marriage Kids and Money" episode, Nicole and Andy Hill discuss how they are finding this balance after reading the book "Die With Zero". If you're struggling with happiness in your daily life after doing the right thing for so long, this is the episode for you. You'll hear why this book was so impactful for Andy and why he suggests it to other financially-focused people out there. EPISODE RESOURCES: Recommended Resources Die With Zero (book): (affiliate) SHOW INFORMATION: Marriage Kids and Money is dedicated to helping young families build wealth and happiness. This award-winning platform helps couples and parents achieve financial independence and discover the true meaning of wealth. To achieve these big goals, we answer questions and interview experts who uncover smart net worth building habits and tools that can help everyone find their own version of financial independence. Learn more at https://www.marriagekidsan