Hades Base Channeling Network

Rejuvenation, Conscious Coercion, and Manifestation- Part 1



Greetings in love, light, and wisdom as one.  April is upon us and so is this month's channeling session with the members of Ashtar Command of which there are only three. Recorded on Christmas Day in 1992, we get plenty of subjects covered with just Tia, Kiri, and Omal during their hour or so of teaching. It seemed that there had been some Christmas Eve celebrating the night before as we get a slightly hung over Tia sounding a bit subdued. Nonetheless, she gets things off to a start by offering some tips for the daily short astral projection trips I had been taking up to the base during some free time at work. It was some important steps in my efforts at  going solid. We move on from there to healing with genetics which led to a back-and-forth on physical rejuvenation without the artificial means used on the base. What we learn is that doing so would require replacing the old genes with new ones. She makes the process sound simple and it would be later in the conversation where she suggests using the mind to