Electric Vicuña Productions Podcast

EVP- 50- Breathing Space #2



"Stories of Mystery and Murder, Fantasy and the Freaky, Suspense and Science Fiction, Comedy and the Courageous! The Electric Vicuña Production Podcast is a full collection of the original Audio Theatre from Jack J. Ward. Each episode Jack Ward delves into radio plays from nearly two decades of productions. Whether it's the anthology collection of tales of the macabre like "Darker Musings" or crime features like "The Dead Line" or stories of Dystopian futures like "Wave Front" or pulp-pounding shows like "Action Adventure Audio Theatre"; or the spell-binding long-form series like "Spaceways", "Graves Shift", "Flight of the Airmen" or "Gate"; the EVP Podcast is your ticket to the thrilling imagination of the theatre of the mind!"