Late Night Health

Own Your Own Wellness



 Why did that new diet work for your best friend, but you gained 5 pounds? Since when did that great workout regimen stop yielding results? How can you know which supplements are worth the hype and which will make you feel worse? And how can you best assess whether the changes you’ve made are truly leading to better health? For more than 20 years, personal trainer and functional health coach Danielle Dayoub Forrest has seen clients struggle with similar questions as they navigate an ever-changing landscape of health claims and advice, eating plans and fitness fads. Too often, when the results they seek prove fleeting or elusive, they lose hope and forward momentum. They become stuck in their wellness journey.Own Your Wellness: Giving You the Tools to Break Through Your Health Plateaus by Daniella Dayoub Forrest provides readers with the individualized approach she’s long used with her clients to help them successfully break out of their ruts and take ownership of their wellness journey. Attaining wellness is