Grammar Girl Quick And Dirty Tips For Better Writing

Pet-Speak: From Meowlogisms to Zoomies. 'Imply' or 'Infer'?



976. How have our pets influenced the way we use language? This week, we dive into the "cativerse" and explore the vocabulary, grammar, and spelling habits of our furry friends. From LOLcats to doggo dialects, discover the linguistic wonders of how we talk about our beloved pets. Plus, don't get tripped up by "imply" versus "infer."  In the second segment, we dive into the definitions, origins, and proper usage of these often-confused words.The pet-speak segment was written by Susan Herman, a retired U.S. government multidisciplined language analyst, analytic editor, and instructor.| Narrate Your Own Book. Sign-up deadline is midnight April 9.| Edited transcript with links:| Please take our advertising survey. It helps!| Grammarpalooza (Get texts from Mignon!): or text "hello" to (917) 540-0876.| Subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates.|