Beyond The Basics Health Academy Podcast

Episode 238: Essential Fat Chat: Unraveling Omega 3 vs Omega 6 and the Truth about Good Fats and Seed Oils



Join Dr. Meaghan and Dr. Mark from One Agora Clinic in an insightful discussion on the crucial role of essential fats in our diet. In this episode, they delve into the significance of eliminating harmful fats, such as seed oils and trans fats, from our daily consumption, and replacing them with beneficial fats like Omega 3. Discover where these hidden fats lurk in our diets and learn practical strategies to incorporate more Omega 3-rich foods into your meals and taking out excessive Omega 6 fats. Unravel the mysteries surrounding seed oils and vegetable oils, and gain a deeper understanding of why maintaining a balanced ratio of fats is paramount for brain health, inflammation reduction, and hormonal balance. The discussion also highlights the importance of the Omega 3 Index blood test, which serves as a valuable tool to gauge the balance of good and bad fats in the body and assess inflammation levels. Interested in taking charge of your health? Dr. Mark offers a comprehensive assessment including the Omega 3