Radio Campus France

Sahafa Medl (english) | Assises du journalisme 2024



In 2018, Journalisme & Citoyenneté gathered more than 800 journalists from North-Africa, Sub-Saharian-Africa, Europe and from the Middle-East for the first International Journalism Conference in Tunis. This success gave birth to the Sahafa Med program, supported by the European Union, which aims to support independent journalism in the countries of the southern Mediterranean. The word Sahafa in Arabic means “journalists” and Med is short for Mediterranean. This partnership with the European Union aims to promote the independence of the media and freedom of expression in the neighboring countries of the Mediterranean basin (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon). Through Sahafa Med, Journalism & Citizenship facilitates dialogue with all the stakeholders mobilized to provide quality information : media, journalists, authorities, donors, media development Interviews : Jaber baker Manar Rachwani Wael Akiki Loujain Haj Youssef Infos: