Talking Flutes!

Judgement Vs Opinion in Music. E:308 with Dr Beth Wright



The Complex Dance of Judgment and Opinion in Musical Performance In this captivating episode of Talking Flutes Extra, host Jean Paul Wright is once again joined by his daughter, forensic psychologist Dr. Beth Wright to delve into the intricate relationship between judgment and the mental and performance outcomes for musicians. The discussion kicks off with two thought-provoking listener questions about the effects of internal and external judgment and strategies to alleviate the burdens they impose. Dr. Beth Wright takes us on a journey from our primal roots to the modern-day, explaining how our evolutionary fight or flight response has shaped our perception of judgment and its significance in our lives. She eloquently differentiates between judgment and opinion, illuminating how the latter can be a source of growth despite its potential discomfort. Throughout the conversation, the pair tackle the elusive concept of perfection, the role of self-worth in musicianship, and the importance of embracing imperfecti