Fintech Insider By 11:fs

846. Insights: The current state of ESG in financial services



Our expert hosts Rachel Pandyan is joined by some great guests to talk about how ESG is being championed by financial services to create meaningful change, not just for our industry, but for the whole world. ESG is a term most of us have heard, and it became a buzz word, a catch-all term to represent climate-conscious action and social responsibility. However, it's not just a cultural zeitgeist. Issues around climate change, gender parity, and corporate culture have also become key political battlegrounds around the world. These issues matter, and they resonate with huge numbers of people. But what have we actually done to move the dial in making our industry, and our world, a more sustainable and equitable place? As banks and other financial services providers invest more and more into ESG programmes, we want to take a look at what our industry has done, and what it continues to do, as ESG becomes evermore important to customers. From new banks targeting environmentally-conscious Gen Z-ers, to how more estab