Warp Zone Nerds

Warp Zone Nerds Ep. 04 – A Nanny Named Smaug



Ho, ho, ho, and a Merry Gurnenthar's Ascendance to all from the Warp Zone Nerds. In honor of the happiest time of the year, when the world becomes a frozen hellscape and ancient tunes spread forth from mall speakers everywhere, The Nerds have gathered around a crackling Netflix video fire to discuss the many holiday specials that roam the television landscape each year. They will plumb the depths of early 90’s cultural exposition to find specials you vaguely remember watching as a child, or in the case of a certain draconic nanny, specials you never wanted to watch in the first place. In the spirit of the many holidays, the nerds explore the concepts of family and togetherness, and come closer together through a discussion of their road rage and embarrassing musical tastes. An argument in favor of Hanukah, that utilizes Superman and an armadillo, is examined and given thumbs up all around. The nerds also break down their favorite specials of the season. Michael gives his nod to the Colbert Christmas Special,