Quintessential Being

From stuck, single Mum to heart-open and healed in relationship...



Finding love after a toxic relationship or divorce can be tough but not impossible! In this episode I get raw about my personal healing journey when it comes to men, relationships and opening my heart again. Access my FREE 2-part audio series BlockBuster Bliss here. Your 8 minute, game-changing, gift of peace, that dissolves mental blocks and frees up energy for a clearer, more focused mind.In this episode you'll also hear:- why I embrace a non traditional relationship model - how I called in the man of my dreams- what I had to recognise and heal when it came to men to move forward- the simple shift that gave me incredible insight when it came to dating men... and so much more!Connect with me on Instagram @_nikkivoxx_ for more insights, inspiration and intentional updates.