Commercial Real Estate Pro Network

BIGGEST RISK with Rob Finlay



J Darrin Gross: I'd like to ask you, Rob Finlay, what is the BIGGEST RISK?   Rob Finlay: So not sure if there's one specific one and just so you know, hopefully, I I can give you one right now, that is top of mind for me, right? Because insurances. Property Insurance is property insurance that has been spoken about and and fortunately, we have people like you that help us, real estate owners get through that through that mess. The one thing that that property insurance people aren't going to help us with is what I see as this great risk is compliance and corporate risk. There is this thing out there for anybody who's in real estate, I want everybody who's in real estate, who are all your listeners to understand, if you have not heard of what this corporate Transparency Act, or CTA, whatever it's called, is right at CTA, look it up. But actually make sure it's corporate Transparency Act. The corporate Transparency Act is where anybody who's in commercial real estate, anybody who's in real estate, anybody who h