Late Night Health

Female Business Owner Ensures “Reproductive Freedom” for All-Female Staff



According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five couples in the U.S. struggles with some form of infertility. The biggest roadblock for most of them to start on the path of parenthood is the high cost of fertility treatments. To ease that financial burden and help those seeking to start a family achieve success, Brooke Goff, founder and president of Goff Law Group in Connecticut, has pledged $430,000.00 to offset the massive expense of the fertility process. The enhanced benefit is a hot topic given the recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling on “fetal personhoods” and the uncertain future of the procedure.“I knew at a young age that I wanted to have a family, yet I also knew that as a gay woman, I would need some assistance from science,” said Attorney Brooke Goff, owner of Goff Law Group, a personal injury law firm in Connecticut.  “In vitro fertilization fulfilled my desire to carry a child and experience the beautiful journey of pregnancy, something every woman should be entitled