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[Ch 1] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E84: TwoFer Tuesday – vol. 9”



Today’s broadcast is  C1E84 for TwoFer Tuesday, April 30th, 2024. Today’s episode will be TwoFer Tuesday – vol 9.    A1) Intro - 00:00:00  01) Metroid Prime - GameCube -  Kenji Yamamoto  A) Planet Tallon IV - 00:02:29 B) Crashed Frigate - 00:06:36 02) Diver's Dream – PS1 -  Takayuki Ishikawa and/or Shinya Watanabe  A) Paradise - 00:11:30 B) Big Pudding - 00:13:36 03) Shenmue – Dreamcast -  Takenobu Mitsuyoshi, Hideaki Miyamoto, Akiko Hashimoto, Ryoko Okada, Shingo Murakami, Tadahiro Nitta, Yayoi Okumura, Nao to Nagai, Fumio Ito, Shinichiro Miki, Yasuhide Takeuchi, and/or Yuzo Koshiro  A) Secret of a Warehouse -  00:16:25 B) Antiquity Tree -  00:18:35 04) Art of Balance - Multi - Martin Schjøler   A) World F -  00:20:01 B) World B -  00:23:24 05) Summoner – PS2 -  Walter Shaw, Dan Wentz, and/or Scott Lee  A) Iona Island -  00:25:44 B) Lenele Marketplace 1 -  00:30:45 06) Castlevania: Lament of Innocence – PS2 -  Michiru Yamane  A) Young Nobleman of the Water Prison - 00:24:43 B) Garden Forgotten by Time - 00:3