
#160 Peter Cundill



What I learned from reading Routines and Orgies: The Life of Peter Cundill, Financial Genius, Philosopher, and Philanthropist by Christopher Risso-Gill.----Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. Get your tickets here! ----Subscribe to listen to Founders Premium  Subscribers can: -ask me questions directly-listen to Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes-listen to every bonus episode---Excellence as a goal in itself had been drummed into him from early boyhood.I’m convinced that to achieve real greatness a person needs above all to have passion but at the same time immense discipline, concentration, patience and an unshakeable determination to become a master of his craft.There is a choice of courses in life: either to seek equilibrium or to enjoy the heights and suffer the depths.You need to get into some situations which make your gut tight and your balls tingle.Do the unappealing things first.Once you have done your homework properly and ar