
#26 My Life and Work: The Autobiography of Henry Ford



What I learned from My Life and Work: The Autobiography of Henry Ford.---Subscribe to listen to Founders Premium — Subscribers can listen to Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes and every bonus episode. ---A theory of business (0:01)If an old idea works then the weight of the evidence is all in its favor. The Lindy Effect. (7:30)All people are not equal (11:00) "That is why I never employ an expert in full bloom" (15:00), "I quit my job on August 15th, 1899 and went into the automobile business" (19:30)Henry Ford's philosophy on constant change (25:00)Henry Ford's 3 conclusions about business (26:00)Traits of a prosperous business (29:45)I cannot discover that anyone knows enough about anything on this earth definitely to say what is and what is not possible. .We get some of our best results from letting fools rush in where angels fear to tread. (34:00)Fix the problem. Do not think money will be the solution. (40:00)Overcome fear. Be free. (44:00)Fuck your feelings (52:30)Henry Ford's 4 principles of business (56:0