The James Altucher Show

Ask Altucher! EP07: How to Unlock Your Twenties



In this insightful episode of "Ask Altucher," James delves into a pivotal query from a recent college graduate, seeking wisdom on navigating life and career paths in the uncertain times of early adulthood. James provides comforting advice, stating it's normal not to have it all figured out in your early twenties, and emphasizes the value of embracing experiences and increasing the surface area of luck.Reflecting on his journey from being a grad student in computer science to embracing varied roles like a stand-up comedian, a hedge fund manager, a podcast host, and a father, James shares the significance of saying 'yes' to experiences and following one's curiosity. He suggests that rather than hoarding savings, spending on life experiences can yield greater dividends in personal growth and happiness in the long run.This episode is filled with rich anecdotes from James's diverse experiences. It is a treasure trove of advice for anyone standing at the crossroads of life, pondering over career and existential dil